You’re in Professional Hands
When you’re ready to roll out a waste services program in your community, the professionals at ContainerPros will handle all your needs. We provide the most comprehensive A&D services in the industry, addressing every detail of your program’s logistics and challenges. After all, we’ve been doing it right for over two decades.
The ContainerPros Process in Brief
Step 1. Collaborative Client Meetings
We begin work before your contract is awarded. Our first steps include convening fact-finding, pre-deployment meetings, conducting detailed project analyses and developing the optimal rollout strategy tailored for your project. During meetings, our team will educate and share ideas with you, while identifying and proactively addressing potential challenges uncovered throughout our due diligence. Our custom processes will alleviate any concerns you may have around your project’s implementation.
Step 2. Pre-Deployment Planning Process
Every successful project relies on good data. The experts at ContainerPros will conduct a comprehensive scrub of your route data and results will be analyzed and reviewed with you during pre-deployment to assist in optimizing your set-out programs. From street directionals and MF unit numbers, to cart sizes and quantities, the data always tells a story; and well-scrubbed, scrutinized data allows for a happier ending. Every detail of your project, as well as most scenarios predicted to be encountered in the field, will be thoroughly studied, and discussed, which then creates action plans that allow us to avoid potholes that others fall into during your deployment.
Step 3. Assembly and Distribution
After our crew offloads your containers, distribution begins utilizing our proprietary, advanced software technology wasteware™. We track all results in real time during deployment and have RFID and serial number capture capabilities. Our teams will also identify and document discrepancies in data in the field including lost accounts and incorrect address listings. Detailed delivery verification and exception reports are always provided throughout your project.
Why Clients Choose ContainerPros
At ContainerPros, an assembly-and-distribution project encompasses much more than simply snapping wheels onto a cart or dropping a bin in an enclosure. Our fact-finding pre-deployment meetings, project analysis and strategy development facilitate smoother operation and logistics. And our rigorous due-diligence process ensures that our standards and uncompromising service levels are met and our clients’ expectations exceeded.